Kobieta w ciąży w różowej sukience w ogrodzie wśród rośliności

Yerba mate during pregnancy – benefits for the future mother

Yerba mate is a natural energy drink that contains caffeine, and the future mother should limit the daily dose of this alkaloid in her diet. Experts recommend not to exceed 200–300 mg per day. This amount of caffeine is found in 500 ml of Peruvian holly infusion or in 2-3 cups of coffee. Health benefits of drinking the…

Kobieta pijąca yerba mate

Drinking yerba mate and breastfeeding 

Changes in the diet of a lover of holly infusion concern the amount of Yerba mate consumed during pregnancy and the time after childbirth, especially when the newborn is breastfed. Limitations on the consumption of some drinks are related to the caffeine content, so it is better to drink weaker infusions in smaller quantities. Sacrifices often involve…

Znane osoby pijące yerba mate od yerbador - kolaż zdjęć

Yerba Mate instead of coffee

When it comes to coffee, it is a plant whose properties were discovered about 3,000 years ago. Initially, however, people did not know how to eat its fruits. It was only in the fifteenth century that the seeds began to be roasted and then made into an infusion. Yerba mate differs from coffee in many respects in that…

Znane osoby pijące yerba mate od yerbador - kolaż zdjęć


Yerba Mate properties of this unique drink are extraordinary. However, it raises many mysteries, especially among people who have not yet had contact with this unique drink which has many excellent properties. How to start your adventure with yerba and which products are worth choosing as yerba mate for beginners? We will get to know the Yerbador infusion…

bombille do yerba mate

How to use bombilla correctly

Have you ever had small fragments of dried herb get through your bombilla while drinking yerba ? In our new article, we will present techniques that will help prevent dust from getting through the straw, and thus allow you to consume the infusion with pure pleasure. How to deal with bombilla? Our daily drinking of holly infusion may sometimes be interrupted…

Szusz yerba mate w matero

Yerba mate dosage

Yerba mate dosage guide: how much is right for you to get the desired effect? If you are reading this article, you are probably a fan of drinking yerba mate and you prepare it every day. Do you know what dose of caffeine is safe for you? How much is too much for your body, or maybe…

Can yerba mate harm us? We take a closer look at possible side effects that may appear after consuming yerba mate infusion. 

There are many myths surrounding the consumption of holly infusion. In our article, we will try to refute them and present reliable information. Of course, drinking yerba mate infusion may prevent many diseases, but in many cases it is a remedy for many ailments. Read our article to find out if yerba mate is right for you! Positive…

Is it possible to brew Yerbador yerba mate without a thermometer?

Many people, when they hear about the ritual of preparing yerba mate infusion, believe that it is quite difficult or time-consuming, which may certainly discourage beginner lovers of the infusion of dried yerba mate leaves. The key element in preparing the infusion is the appropriate water temperature. However, nothing could be further from the truth, because in…

Yerba mate jak pić? Z dodatkami – Na zimno, na ciepło.

How to drink Yerba Mate? With additions – Cold, warm.

[hfe_template id=’21705′] Many of us associate drinking yerba mate as simply pouring water over the herb. Nothing could be further from the truth, for people who do not like the traditional taste of the infusion, there are many alternatives to diversify the preparation and taste of the popular dried holly. Let’s remember that the stimulating properties of…