Yerba mate during pregnancy – benefits for the future mother
Yerba mate is a natural energy drink that contains caffeine, and the future mother should limit the daily dose of this alkaloid in her diet. Experts recommend not to exceed 200–300 mg per day. This amount of caffeine is found in 500 ml of Peruvian holly infusion or in 2-3 cups of coffee. Health benefits of drinking the infusion such as better well-being and concentration, improved circulation and no negative impact on the child. You don’t have to give up Yerba mate during pregnancy, just keep it in moderation.

Drinking Yerba mate and other herbs during pregnancy – health benefits
Yerba mate is an infusion prepared from the dried leaves of a plant grown in South America, i.e. holly. You can drink yerba practically without restrictions, and the Guarani Indians have been using it for thousands of years. In this culture, pregnant women and young mothers can also drink Yerba mate while breastfeeding. In our region, the use of herbs by pregnant women raises concerns among many specialists and future mothers interested in this topic. Contrary to appearances, herbs can effectively improve the condition of the body by positively influencing biochemical processes.

Herbal infusions recommended during pregnancy
Experts agree about lemon balm and chamomile – women can drink these herbs without fear during pregnancy. However, you should be careful with all substances that may affect the hormonal balance changed by pregnancy. What herbs can be recommended during pregnancy without endangering the pregnant woman and child?
Herbs recommended during pregnancy while maintaining the recommended amounts: Lemon balm – lemon balm infusion has a mildly calming effect, reduces the stress associated with waiting for childbirth and helps with sleep disorders. Nettle – a herb with a diuretic effect, is also, as is commonly known, a valuable plant source of iron. Mint – peppermint infusion helps with digestion, stimulating the production of gastric juice and bile and stimulating intestinal peristalsis; reduces abdominal pain and has a carminative effect; brings relief from constipation in pregnant women. Chamomile – a herb with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that brings relief from inflammation and respiratory infections. Ginger – a popular anti-emetic agent that is often used by pregnant women, which relieves morning sickness, especially in early pregnancy. Linseed – helps in digestion, produces mucus that protects the intestines, and is also a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, PP, B5, B6). |
Why is it worth drinking mate during pregnancy?
For most future mothers, pregnancy is a sudden change in lifestyle and a time of sacrifices and restrictions. There are questions about diet and constant wondering how not to harm the baby, which in turn causes more stress. You don’t have to stop drinking mate during pregnancy, but pay attention to the caffeine content in the infusion to avoid excessive stimulation. Limit yourself to smaller portions of the herb and drinking 500 ml of the infusion. It is not only safe, but also beneficial to health. Consuming yerba during pregnancy can replace other herbal teas that work similarly to holly infusion.
Yerba mate infusion combines the effects of popular herbs that can be consumed during pregnancy: it has a positive effect on well-being, just like lemon balm tea, it has a slightly diuretic and cleansing effect on the body, just like peppermint, it improves metabolism and provides essential nutrients, including vitamins and mineral salts like linseed, it lowers too high blood pressure and relaxes the walls of blood vessels, like chamomile infusion, the delicate bitterness of Yerba mate stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, similarly to mint tea, and relieves morning sickness, just like ginger root. |
Additionally, Yerba mate helps take care of the future mother’s immunity and reduces appetite, and pregnant women often struggle with problems such as various cravings and excessive appetite.
Photo: Pixabay

Preparation of Yerba mate during pregnancy
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, products such as carbonated drinks and energy drinks should be excluded or limited. Instead, you can drink yerba and freely brew the herb from the first infusion several times a day, not exceeding the daily norm of 500 ml. This is the best solution that helps you pour the same herb several times, instead of brewing a new one each time and providing the body with a fresh dose of caffeine. To sum up – drinking Yerba mate during pregnancy and later while breastfeeding is safe, provided there are no medical contraindications, there are no side effects and restrictions on the consumption of the drink are observed.
- Pitchford P. Nutrition for health,
- Kennedy D. A. Safety classification of herbal medicines used in pregnancy in a multinational study,
- Bazylko A. Plant substances, indications and contraindications for use during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth.
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