What they say about Yerba mate – opinions of doctors, dieticians and fans of the infusion
The number of people who regularly drink Yerba mate is constantly growing, but there are still many who have never tried yerba mate infusion. Before new users decide to buy herbs and accessories, something or someone must convince them to brew their first Yerba Mate. Opinions on the forum and the feelings of anonymous fans of the infusion are often a source of first-hand information. Scientific analyzes and opinions of doctors and dieticians are helpful in making purchasing decisions for insightful people who value a substantive approach. Let’s check whether the ratings of Yerba mate fans and the experts’ opinions match.

Research on the properties of Yerba mate: confirmation of its positive impact on health
- The health properties of Yerba mate have been confirmed! Scientific research conducted at the University of Illinois in the USA has shown that Yerba mate has health properties and helps prevent inflammation and cancer.
- Drinking Yerba mate is good for your heart! Based on its own analyses, the Ministry of Health of Argentina confirmed the positive effect of dried holly on heart function and reducing the risk of heart attack.
- The properties of Yerba mate have a positive effect on the condition of pregnant women! The study conducted in Brazil involved over 5,300 pregnant South American women. The aim was to check whether there would be any negative effects of drinking Yerba mate on fetal development. During the study, interviews were conducted with women, 68% of whom consumed Yerba mate at least once a week throughout pregnancy. The study did not show any connection between drinking yerba and premature birth or with the child’s weight being lower than the norm.

Yerba Mate for detox
Impact of Yerba mate infusion on health – doctors’ opinions
Doctors point out that Yerba mate, like other drinks that have a stimulating effect, e.g. coffee or strong tea, contains a lot of caffeine. Therefore, this drink is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, and pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should drink Yerba mate in limited quantities. The properties of Yerba mate, such as lowering blood pressure, a positive effect on the circulatory system, a muscle-relaxing effect, reducing fatigue, supporting the fight against asthma (thanks to the mateine content) and reducing appetite, are considered by doctors to be positive effects of drinking the infusion. Which Yerba Mate is the healthiest? Species dried in hot air without the use of fire and smoke are good for health – research confirms. In the Yerbador store, we recommend high-quality organic dried herbs, which are 100 percent it consists of only leaves (without sticks) dried in hot air.

Yerba mate tea in your daily diet
Dietitians notice the advantages of Yerba mate, especially when losing weight. Yerba mate tea accelerates metabolism, and the list of benefits for those who drink the infusion regularly is still growing. Vitamins and minerals enrich the diet, and the polyphenols contained in the dried herb are substances with strong antioxidant properties . Drinking Yerba mate protects against the formation of cancer cells, improves concentration and psychophysical performance. Yerba lowers cholesterol and sugar levels and has few calories (calorie content depends on the type of Yerba mate). The bitter taste of Yerba mate stimulates the production of bile and accelerates fat burning . The beneficial effect of yerba on the body when losing weight is the subject of entries on our blog . In short, dietitians encourage people to consume yerba because it has a positive effect on metabolism, and good metabolism is the key to health and a slim figure.

How does Yerba mate work? Opinions on the forum
Scientists, doctors and dieticians agree that it is worth drinking Yerba mate for health. Fans of the infusion emphasize that the original Yerba mate tastes great at any time of the day, and on an independent forum for parents, mothers are happy to exchange their experiences in losing weight with Yerba mate and share their opinions. Here are a few of them:
- Yerba mate has good effects, I have lost 5 kg since January. There is no yo-yo effect.
- It is a coffee substitute, you can drink it during pregnancy and breastfeeding only.
- I highly recommend yerba mate and I encourage you to see the results after just a few days.
Source: questions.rodzice.pl
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