Yerbador 100% natural dried Paraguayan holly
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Paraguayan holly is found mainly in South America.
Since the dawn of human history, it has been used in culinary art and also served as a remedy for all ailments.
Indians already drank holly infusion ; they discovered that drinking dried holly leaves soaked in warm water soothes hunger and also stimulates. It is not unusual that yerba mate has so many fans, its intense taste remains in memory for a long time. An unhealthy diet, stress, smoking and air pollution lead to the stimulation of free radicals and thus to stress, while stress results in premature aging of the body.
The action of holly slows down all these processes!
Currently , yerba mate is known by people all over the world, which does not change the fact that its beneficial, health and stimulating properties continue to surprise people who are just discovering this infusion.
Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2058, 2275, 2276, 3397, 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, scientific publications
Paraguayan holly – cultivation
Paraguayan holly, from Latin Ilex paraguariensis, is a species of tree found mainly in South American countries, such as Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay – from which the tree’s name comes.
For proper growth, holly needs both a sunny place and very rich and moist soil, which is why it grows best in a subtropical climate, such as the above-mentioned Latin America – the proper growth conditions of the plant in the further stage of yerba mate creation significantly affect the taste of the infusion .
Interesting fact: If left unpruned, holly can grow to a height of 10-13 meters.
Yerbador ‘s dried yerba mate comes from crops where the plants have ideal conditions for development, which is why we get the deep and multi-dimensional taste of our infusion.
Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2071, 2835, scientific publications
Paraguayan holly and its properties
Yerbamate is made from dried holly leaves, which, despite drying, do not lose their extraordinary properties.
This infusion contains a lot of vitamins and nutritional values such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin D , which is considered a natural medicine for depression. What is very important, it supports our mind, it ensures concentration and supports memory, so it is suitable for people working intellectually.
The yerba mate infusion also contains a very large amount of polyphenols , as well as stimulating caffeine and theobromine. Other important properties of holly include a positive effect on the circulatory system.
It can effectively prevent atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it is a valuable aid for the nervous system because it extremely effectively relieves all tensions, reducing the feeling of stress and its unpleasant consequences.
People who are exposed to numerous stressors and at the same time want to remain stimulated should give up coffee and replace it with yerba mate – this will reduce stress and the feeling of fatigue will not be bothersome. Many people will certainly appreciate the fact that yerba mate has a great impact on our well-being – it noticeably improves our mood and allows us to keep smiling even on the most stressful day.
Our yerba does not cause the irritation that often occurs after drinking coffee, the paraguayan holly is much gentler on our body.
If you feel that coffee is no longer serving you, it is worth giving it up for some time and giving Yerbador a chance.
Thanks to this, you will quickly get rid of physical and mental fatigue, without irritating your stomach.
Many clinical studies also confirm that yerba also has anti-cancer properties!
Many women who care about the condition of their skin also choose the infusion, because regular drinking of yerba leads to an increase in the production of collagen in our body, which slows down the skin aging process.
Paraguayan holly can also be an excellent support in the weight loss process because it accelerates the metabolism, making the digestion process more efficient – thanks to this, we lose weight.
A very important aspect of holly is not only that it accelerates metabolism but is also a source of saponins that contribute to delaying the absorption of fats.
It also allows you to remove excess water from the body, which is why it fights cellulite and swelling very effectively.
Paraguayan holly prevents sudden energy drops that most often occur when we drink a lot of coffee.
Paraguayan holly is increasingly becoming an ingredient of fat-burning supplements. Yerba mate is very effective and very healthy. It may also help people with bladder and digestion problems.
Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2058, 2275, 2276, 3397, 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, 3923, scientific publications
Our product is also discussed by clinical dietitian Dr. Hanna Stolińska, known from television programs and scientific literature, who reports on the positive properties of our Yerbador product:

“ From the point of view of a clinical dietitian, the infusion effectively supports the weight reduction process because Yerbador inhibits pancreatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase and gives a feeling of satiety. In addition to its proven slimming properties, the original Yerbador Mate herb not only stimulates energy, regenerates the body and includes B vitamins, among others. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B9, as well as vitamin C and E. Moreover, Yerbador mate is rich in magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. The dried fruit contains 90% more antioxidants than green tea, a number of anti-cancer polyphenols and flavonoids, but does not leach out any minerals and vitamins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent the development of diseases, regulate carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism, slow down the aging of the body and increase immunity.
Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2058, 2275, 2276, 3397, 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, 3923, scientific publications
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