What is Yerba Mate?

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Yerba Mate what exactly is it?

What is Yerba Mate? – an infusion popular mainly in South American countries (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil), also in some countries of the Middle East. However, more and more Europeans are using Yerba Mate.  Yerba Mate are  dried leaves  and  sticks of the holly plant , also known under the Latin name Ilex paraguariensis. This species of tree occurs only  in certain areas of South America, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Interestingly, the tree  cannot be grown in other areas. (Holy holly read more).

 Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2071, 3923, scientific publications

Yerba mate what does it mean?

Historia yerby…

The name  Yerba Mate comes  from the transformed words  herba – herb and mati , which in Quechua means a gourd in which the herb is brewed. Moreover,  Yerba contains xanites: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.  However, its content may vary, depending on the time of year in which it was harvested. The history of Yerba Mate comes from the Jesuits. Missionaries noticed that Paranas from  the Guarani tribe often drink this green infusion of Yerba.  However,  thanks to it,  the tribesmen  did not show any fatigue and were even unusually active considering the hot conditions there.  The missionaries, delighted with  its positive energy, concentration and conditioning effects,  decided to learn about the plant from which Yerba is made. They successfully  established plantations , most of which  still exist today.  Various brands and varieties of yerba mate are produced there.

 Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, 3923, scientific publications

Yerba mate what does it mean?

What does yerba mate give you – properties.
How does yerba mate work and how it supports our body. – described properties.
Yerba has many ingredients that have a beneficial effect on many aspects of our everyday life.
The most important properties of yerba mate:

Scientific research on this product confirms that it contains chlorogenic acid, quercetin and rutin – substances with antioxidant, anticancer and body rejuvenating properties. The biggest advantage of yerba mate over coffee and tea is the high content of valuable nutrients along with a huge dose of energy. Yerbador contains a number of B vitamins, including: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B9, as well as vitamin C and E. Moreover, yerba mate is rich in magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, zinc and phosphorus – valuable microelements without which our body would not exist. able to function efficiently on a daily basis. We encourage you to read more on our website  yerbador.com

 Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2058, 2275, 2276, 3397, 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, 3923, scientific publications

  • Slowing down changes occurring in human cells over time.
  • A large energy portion that does not affect blood pressure
  • Stimulation of physical activity
  • Acceleration of cellular metabolism and reduction of fat tissue (Supports weight loss and maintaining proper body weight).

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  • Improving concentration skills and memory processes.
  • It shortens the body’s regeneration time to regain the necessary strength after fatigue.
  • Improves the body’s immunity
  • Providing many vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body.
  • Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.
  • It helps in the proper functioning of the intestines.

Yerba Mate Varieties

Dried holly is divided according to the country of origin, because each crop has a different appearance and taste. It is difficult to choose the best yerba mate because every gourmet has his own preferences. So we distinguish the varieties:

  • Argentinian– slightly tart, with distinct herbal notes. It is cut quite thickly and therefore does not contain much dust. Due to its delicate taste, it is especially recommended for people starting their adventure with yerba.
  • Brazilian– it has a very characteristic appearance – not only is it ground very finely, but it also has an intense green color. Brazilian chimarrão is dried with hot air and is not aged, so its taste is fresh, even “grassy”, with a slightly sweetish aftertaste.
  • Paraguayan– very expressive, with a bitter, smoky taste, because the Paraguayans use traditional drying methods. This variety has medium-thick leaves and stems, but also a lot of dust. It is especially recommended to drink cold, because then its tart taste is not so intense.
  • Uruguay– although it is not produced in Uruguay, but in Brazil. The herb is finely cut, dusty, and has a fresh but tart taste.

Additionally, Brazil also produces the Green variety, intended for export to Europe, because it is more suited to the palates of the old continent – it is lighter, sweeter, and contains less dust. It can often be found mixed with other additives. And speaking of accessories…

Flavored yerba

There are also several types of dried herbs depending on additional ingredients. The classic infusion contains 100% holly, but versions for people who like variety are also popular. Therefore, we have such types as:

  • saborizada – flavored yerba mate flavored with fruit,
  • compuesta – mixed with other plants and herbs,
  • endulzada – sweetened.

The most common additives found in dried fruit are South American fruits such as lemon, orange, papaya and passion fruit. You can also find mixtures with refreshing mint, but guarana is the most popular among additives. The seeds of this plant contain a large amount of caffeine (four times more than in coffee seeds!), which additionally enhances the stimulating effect of yerba mate.

What does Yerba Mate give – Properties.






Caffeoylshicomic acid








MICROELEMENTS (zinc, manganese, silicon, chromium)

MACROELEMENTS (magnet, potassium, phosphorus)





 Source: EU EFSA health claims no. 2058, 2275, 2276, 3397, 2070, 3940, 2071, 2834, 2835, 3923, scientific publications

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