Anti-obesity effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Anti-obesity effect of Yerba Mate
(Ilex Paraguariensis): Randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled clinical trial
The content on the website comes from the National Library of Medicine and has been translated into Polish.
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Introduction: Obesity is a serious health problem. Food field research that has recently attracted much interest is the potential of natural products to counteract obesity. Yerba Mate may be helpful in reducing body weight and fat tissue. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness and safety of Yerba Mate supplementation in obese Koreans.
Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted. People with obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 but < 35 kg/m2 and waist-hip ratio (WHR) ≥ 0.90 for men and ≥ 0.85 for women) received oral supplements of Yerba Mate capsules (n = 15 ) or placebo (n = 15) for 12 weeks. Subjects take three capsules with each meal, a total of three times daily (3 g/day). Outcomes measured included efficacy (abdominal fat distribution, anthropometric parameters, and blood lipid profiles) and safety (adverse events, laboratory test results, and vital signs).
Results: During 12 weeks of Yerba Mate supplementation, the decreases in fat mass (P = 0.036) and body fat percentage (P = 0.030) compared to the placebo group were statistically significant. WHR was significantly reduced (P = 0.004) in the Yerba Mate group compared with the placebo group. No clinically significant changes in safety parameters were observed.
Conclusions: Yerba Mate supplementation reduced fat mass, body fat percentage and WHR. Yerba Mate was a powerful anti-obesity agent that did not cause significant side effects. These results suggest that Yerba Mate supplementation may be effective in the treatment of obese people.
Trial registration: ( NCT01778257 ).

The content on the website comes from the National Library of Medicine and has been translated into Polish.
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